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Internet Message Format  |  1995-01-01  |  27.0 KB

  1. Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.lists:2144 news.groups:57878 news.announce.newusers:925 news.answers:3570
  2. Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!bcm!cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!gatech!purdue!spaf
  3. From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
  4. Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.announce.newusers,news.answers
  5. Subject: List of Moderators for Usenet
  6. Message-ID: <spaf-moderate_719471717@cs.purdue.edu>
  7. Date: 19 Oct 92 05:15:19 GMT
  8. Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:15:17 GMT
  9. Followup-To: news.groups
  10. Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
  11. Lines: 675
  12. Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
  13. Supersedes: <spaf-moderate_716962665@cs.purdue.edu>
  15. Archive-name: moderator-list/part1
  16. Original-author: Gene Spafford (spaf@cs.purdue.edu)
  17. Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
  19. A number of moderated groups exist on the net.  These are groups which
  20. usually have one or more individuals (acting as editors and/or
  21. moderators) who must approve articles before they are published to the
  22. net.  In general, these groups fall into one of five categories:
  24. 1) Groups with postings of an informative nature not suited to
  25.    discussion and always originating from the same (very small) group
  26.    of posters.  Groups within this category include news.lists,
  27.    news.announce.newusers, and comp.mail.maps.
  29. 2) Groups derived from regular groups with such a high volume that
  30.    it is hard for the average reader to keep up.  The moderated
  31.    versions of these groups are an attempt to provide a lower volume
  32.    and higher quality version of the same forum.  An example of
  33.    this category is news.announce.newgroups (a reduced form of
  34.    news.groups).
  36. 3) Groups derived from regular groups which have often been abused.
  37.    That is, the regular groups often received postings of items which
  38.    were not germane to the stated topic of the group (or sometimes even
  39.    within the realm of politeness for the net).  This also includes
  40.    groups suffering from an annoying number of duplicate postings and
  41.    inappropriate followups.  Moderated groups in this category include
  42.    comp.sources.unix.
  44. 4) Groups designed to serve also as direct feedback to an off-the-net
  45.    group.  The discussion in comp.std.mumps is an example of this.
  47. 5) Groups which are gatewayed into the Usenet from an Internet
  48.    mailing list.  These groups are moderated by someone on the Internet
  49.    side but are shared with the Usenet population.  Submissions mailed
  50.    to the proper addresses, given below, will appear in both the group
  51.    on Usenet, and the Internet list.  This includes some groups in
  52.    the "inet" distribution which are listed here for completeness:
  53.    comp.ai.vision and rec.mag.fsfnet.
  55. To post to a moderated group, write your article and mail it to the
  56. listed SUBMISSION address.  The moderator will then do the actual
  57. posting of the article.  The news software on the Usenet will not allow
  58. direct posting to moderated newsgroups, nor will it forward
  59. unauthorized articles to other sites.  The only way to post to a
  60. moderated group is to mail it to the moderator.  If you are running
  61. 2.11 news or later, your news software will automatically mail your
  62. article to the moderator if you attempt to post it.  Thus, posting to a
  63. moderated newsgroup should appear the same as posting to any other
  64. group (except you don't see the posting right away).
  66. Depending on the newsgroup involved, if the moderator feels that your
  67. article is inappropriate for the group, s/he will return the article to
  68. you with a suggestion for other newsgroups in which to post it, and/or
  69. an explanation of why it is not appropriate for the moderated group.
  70. You may still post such articles to the regular groups as you currently
  71. do, if such groups exist.
  73. If you have questions or complaints about the way a moderated group is
  74. run, contact the moderator by mail.  Alternatively, you can send mail
  75. to the mailing list "moderators@cs.purdue.edu" and it will be
  76. rebroadcast to all of the current Usenet-only newsgroup moderators.
  78. Below is a list of the current moderated groups and the moderators of
  79. those groups. Included in that list are the addresses to use if you
  80. have questions of comments about the groups. After that is given a
  81. list of addresses for submissions of articles to those groups. These
  82. addresses can be used to build the "moderators" file so that
  83. "postnews" can automatically mail an article to the correct moderator.
  85. Note that many of the aliases at the end of this file are for
  86. newsgroups in hierarchies other than the "main Usenet."  These aliases
  87. have been collected from a number of different sources, including the
  88. alias file at uunet.uu.net, and they may not be completely accurate
  89. over time.  You may wish to trim some of these aliases if you don't
  90. get the newsgroups indicated.
  92. If your system is running a version of news more recent than B news
  93. 2.10 -- including C News and INN -- posting to moderated newsgroups is
  94. done by mailing your submission to well-defined aliases at a nearby
  95. well-connected site.  The mail path to that site should be in your
  96. news library, in the file "mailpaths" -- there is no need to update a
  97. moderators file with the information in this article.  Information on
  98. how to construct the paths in the "mailpaths" file are posted in a
  99. companion article.
  101. If you are NOT runninga recent version ofg news, you are *STRONGLY*
  102. advised to upgrade to it so as to take advantage of this feature, as
  103. well as the numerous bug fixes and other enhancements.
  105. The addresses below are given in Internet/domain form.  If you are a
  106. UUCP-only site, you can mail to an Internet (EDU, GOV, etc.)-only site
  107. by mailing through the gateways using a uucp-style path, e.g.:
  108.     ...!{mcnc,rutgers,ucsd,uunet,uw-beaver,watmath}!site.domain!address
  110. Gene Spafford 
  111. 19 Oct 1992
  112. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. Group            
  114.     Moderator or Coordinator    Requests, Comments, etc.
  115. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
  117.     Christopher Welty    nl-kr-request@cs.rpi.edu
  118. comp.ai.vision
  119.     Tod Levitt        vision-list-request@ads.com
  120. comp.archives
  121.     Edward Vielmetti    comp-archives@msen.com
  122. comp.binaries.acorn
  123.     Jason Williams &
  124.       Edouard Poor        cba@acorn.co.nz
  125. comp.binaries.amiga 
  126.     Michael 'Moose' Dinn    amiga-request@uunet.uu.net
  127. comp.binaries.atari.st 
  128.     Steven Grimm        atari-binaries@hyperion.com
  129. comp.binaries.ibm.pc
  130.     Brian O'Neill        cbip-request@cs.ulowell.edu
  131. comp.binaries.mac 
  132.     Roger Long        macintosh-request%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
  133. comp.binaries.os2
  134.     Michael D. Kretzer    os2bin-request@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
  135. comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes 
  136.     Keith Bostic        ucb-fixes-request@okeeffe.berkeley.edu
  137. comp.compilers 
  138.     John Levine        compilers-request@iecc.cambridge.ma.us
  139. comp.dcom.telecom 
  140.     Patrick Townson        telecom-request@eecs.nwu.edu
  141. comp.doc 
  142.     Brian Kantor        comp-doc@ucsd.edu
  143. comp.doc.techreports 
  144.     Richard Golding        compdoc-techreports-request@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
  145. comp.graphics.research
  146.     John R. Murray        graphics-request@scri1.scri.fsu.edu
  147. comp.internet.library
  148.     Yoshiyasu Takefuji    takefuji@axon.cwru.edu
  149. comp.lang.sigplan
  150.     Stu Feldman        sigplan-request@bellcore.com
  151. comp.laser-printers 
  152.     Richard Furuta        furuta@cs.umd.edu
  153. comp.mail.maps
  154.     Mel Pleasant        pleasant@noc.rutgers.edu
  155. comp.newprod 
  156.     Ron Heiby        newprod-request@chg.mcd.mot.com
  157. comp.org.eff.news
  158.     Christopher Davis &
  159.       Helen Rose        eff@eff.org
  160. comp.org.fidonet 
  161.     Tim Pozar        pozar@hop.toad.com
  162. comp.os.ms-windows.announce
  163.     Todd J. Derr        infidel+query@pitt.edu
  164. comp.os.research 
  165.     Darrell Long        darrell@cse.ucsc.edu
  166. comp.parallel
  167.     Dennis Stevenson    hypercube-request@hubcap.clemson.edu
  168. comp.patents
  169.     Peter John Treloar    pjt@cs.su.oz.au
  170. comp.protocols.kermit 
  171.     Frank da Cruz        info-kermit-request@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
  172. comp.research.japan
  173.     Rick Schlichting    rick@cs.arizona.edu
  174. comp.risks 
  175.     Peter G. Neumann    risks-request@csl.sri.com
  176. comp.simulation
  177.     Paul A. Fishwick    simulation-request@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu
  178. comp.society 
  179.     Greg Welsh        socicom@auvm.american.edu
  180. comp.society.cu-digest
  181.     Jim Thomas & 
  182.       Gordon Meyer        tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu
  183. comp.society.folklore
  184.     Eric Raymond        eric@snark.thyrsus.com
  185. comp.society.privacy
  186.     Dennis G. Rears        comp-privacy-request@pica.army.mil
  187. comp.sources.3b1
  188.     David H. Brierley    dave@galaxia.network23.com
  189. comp.sources.acorn
  190.     Jason Williams &
  191.       Edouard Poor        cba@acorn.co.nz
  192. comp.sources.amiga 
  193.     Michael 'Moose' Dinn    amiga-request@uunet.uu.net
  194. comp.sources.apple2
  195.     Jonathan Chandross    jac@paul.rutgers.edu
  196. comp.sources.atari.st 
  197.     Steven Grimm        atari-sources@hyperion.com
  198. comp.sources.games 
  199.     Bill Randle        games-request@saab.cna.tek.com
  200. comp.sources.hp48
  201.     Chris Spell        spell@seq.uncwil.edu
  202. comp.sources.mac 
  203.     Roger Long        macintosh-request%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
  204. comp.sources.misc
  205.     Kent Landfield &    sources-misc-request@uunet.uu.net
  206.       Alec David Muffett
  207. comp.sources.reviewed
  208.     Andrew Patrick        csr@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca
  209. comp.sources.sun
  210.     Charles McGrew        mcgrew@aramis.rutgers.edu
  211. comp.sources.unix 
  212.     Paul Vixie, Mike Stump
  213.        and Nick Lai        unix-sources-moderator@pa.dec.com
  214. comp.sources.x
  215.     David C. Martin        x-sources-request@msi.com
  216. comp.std.announce
  217.     John C. Klensin        klensin@infoods.mit.edu
  218. comp.std.mumps 
  219.     Hokey            std-mumps-request@pfcs.com
  220. comp.std.unix 
  221.     Sean Eric Fagan        std-unix-request@uunet.uu.net
  222. comp.sys.acorn.announce
  223.     Alan Glover        announce-request@acorn.co.uk
  224. comp.sys.amiga.announce
  225.     Dan Zerkle        zerkle@cs.ucdavis.edu
  226. comp.sys.amiga.reviews
  227.     Daniel J. Barrett    amiga-reviews@math.uh.edu
  228. comp.sys.concurrent 
  229.     Brian Carlton        concurrent-request@bdcsys.suvl.ca.us
  230. comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest 
  231.     Gregory Hicks        info-ibmpc-request@simtel20.army.mil
  232. comp.sys.m68k.pc
  233.     Mike Meyer        info-68k-request@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
  234. comp.sys.mac.announce
  235.     Werner Uhrig        werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu
  236. comp.sys.mac.digest 
  237.     Bill Lipa        info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
  238. comp.sys.next.announce
  239.     Todd Nathan        csn-announce-request@liveware.com
  240. comp.sys.sun.announce
  241.     Dave Taylor        sun-announce-request@sunworld.com
  242. comp.theory.info-retrieval
  243.     ??            engle@cmsa.berkeley.edu
  244. comp.virus
  245.     Kenneth van Wyk        krvw@cert.org
  246. comp.windows.x.announce
  247.     Bob Scheifler        xannounce-request@expo.lcs.mit.edu
  248. misc.activism.progressive
  249.     Rich Winkel        map-request@pencil.cs.missouri.edu
  250. misc.handicap 
  251.     Bill McGarry        wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
  252. misc.news.southasia
  253.     Surekha Gaddam        surekha@nyx.cs.du.edu
  254. news.admin.technical
  255.     Scott Hazen Mueller    natech-request@zorch.sf-bay.org
  256. news.announce.conferences 
  257.     Dennis Page        denny@tekbspa.tss.com
  258. news.announce.important 
  259.     Mark Horton        announce@stargate.com
  260. news.announce.newgroups
  261.     Dave Lawrence        tale@uunet.uu.net
  262. news.announce.newusers 
  263.     Gene Spafford        spaf@purdue.edu
  264. news.answers
  265.     Jonathan I. Kamens    news-answers-request@mit.edu
  266. news.lists 
  267.     Rick Adams, Brian Reid &
  268.        Gene Spafford    news-lists-request@cs.purdue.edu
  269. news.lists.ps-maps
  270.     Brian Reid        reid@decwrl.dec.com
  271. rec.arts.cinema
  272.     Manavendra Thakur    thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu
  273. rec.arts.comics.info
  274.     Brian V. Hughes        hades@dartmouth.edu
  275. rec.arts.erotica
  276.     Evan Leibovitch        erotica@telly.on.ca
  277. rec.arts.movies.reviews 
  278.     Evelyn C. Leeper    movies-request@mtgzy.att.com
  279. rec.arts.sf.announce
  280.     Scott Hazen Mueller    scott@zorch.sf-bay.org
  281. rec.arts.sf.reviews
  282.     Michael C. Berch, Dan'l Danehy-Oakes,
  283.             Evelyn Leeper, Wayne Throop,
  284.             Alan Wexelblat, &
  285.         Bill Wisner        sf-reviews@presto.ig.com
  286. rec.arts.startrek.info
  287.     Jim Griffith        trek-info-request@dweeb.fx.com
  288. rec.audio.high-end
  289.     Thomas Krueger        info-high-audio-request@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
  290. rec.aviation.announce
  291.     Geoff Peck        aviation-announce-request@peck.com
  292. rec.aviation.answers
  293.     Geoff Peck        aviation-announce-request@peck.com
  294. rec.aviation.stories
  295.     Geoff Peck        aviation-announce-request@peck.com
  296. rec.food.recipes
  297.     Mary Shafer             shafer@rigel.dfrf.nasa.gov
  298. rec.games.cyber
  299.     Joshua Levy        joshua@veritas.com
  300. rec.games.frp.announce
  301.     Coyt D. Watters        cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
  302. rec.games.frp.archives
  303.     Mitchell Gold        goldm@rpi.edu
  304. rec.games.mud.announce
  305.     Scott Goehring        rgm-announce-request@glia.biostr.washington.edu
  306. rec.guns 
  307.     Jim Purtilo        gun-control@flubber.cs.umd.edu
  308. rec.humor.funny
  309.     Maddi Hausmann        funny-request@clarinet.com
  310. rec.humor.oracle
  311.     Steve Kinzler        oracle-admin@cs.indiana.edu
  312. rec.hunting
  313.     Tim Rigg        hunting-request@osnome.che.wisc.edu
  314. rec.mag.fsfnet
  315.     John White        white@duvm.bitnet
  316. rec.music.gaffa 
  317.     Bill Wisner        love-hounds-request@uunet.uu.net
  318. rec.music.info
  319.     Leo Breebaart        leo@ph.tn.tudelft.nl
  320. rec.music.reviews
  321.     Stewart Evans        stewarte@sco.com
  322. rec.radio.broadcasting
  323.     Bill Pfeiffer        rrb-mod@gagme.chi.il.us
  324. rec.sport.cricket.scores
  325.     K. Sankara Rao        ksrao@power.eee.ndsu.nodak.edu
  326. sci.astro.hubble
  327.     Paul A. Scowen        scowen@wfpc3.la.asu.edu
  328. sci.math.research
  329.     Daniel R. Grayson    dan@math.uiuc.edu
  330. sci.med.aids
  331.     Dan Greening        aids-request@cs.ucla.edu
  332. sci.military
  333.     Bill Thacker        military-request@att.att.com
  334. sci.nanotech
  335.     J. Storrs Hall (JoSH)    josh@aramis.rutgers.edu
  336. sci.psychology.digest
  337.     Stevan Harnad        psyc-request@phoenix.princeton.edu
  338. sci.space.news
  339.     Peter Yee        yee@atlas.arc.nasa.gov
  340. sci.virtual-worlds
  341.     Bob Jacobson        virtual-worlds-request@milton.u.washington.edu
  342. soc.feminism
  343.     Muffy Barkocy, 
  344.       Miriam Nadel, & 
  345.       Cindy Tittle Moore    feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu
  346. soc.politics
  347.     Charles McGrew        poli-sci-request@rutgers.edu
  348. soc.politics.arms-d
  349.     Herb Lin        arms-d-request@xx.lcs.mit.edu
  350. soc.religion.bahai
  351.     Aaron Nabil Eastlund,    srb-mods@oneworld.wa.com
  352.     Babak Kashef, 
  353.     Mark Towfiq, &
  354.     Rick Troxel
  355. soc.religion.christian 
  356.     Charles Hedrick        christian-request@aramis.rutgers.edu
  357. soc.religion.eastern
  358.     Aaron Nabil &        sre-request@cse.ogi.edu
  359.       Toshi Takeuchi
  360. soc.religion.islam
  361.     D. Salman Azhar,    religion-islam-request@ncar.ucar.edu
  362.     Hanan Lutfiyya,
  363.     Asim Mughal, Basalat Ali Raja 
  364. alt.atheism.moderated
  365.     mathew            atheism-request@mantis.co.uk
  366. alt.gourmand
  367.     Brian Reid        recipes-request@decwrl.dec.com
  368. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d
  369.     Laurence Leff        mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  370. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics
  371.     Laurence Leff        mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  372. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized
  373.     Laurence Leff        mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  374. bionet.announce
  375.     Kenton Hoover        biosci-announce-moderator@genbank.bio.net
  376. bionet.molbio.embldatabank.updates
  377.     Kenton Hoover        embl-updates@genbank.bio.net
  378. bionet.molbio.ddbj.updates
  379.     Kenton Hoover        ddbj-updates@genbank.bio.net
  380. bionet.software.sources
  381.     Rob Harper        software-sources@genbank.bio.net
  382. bit.listserv.big-lan
  383.         John Wobus              jmwobus@suvm.acs.syr.edu
  384. bit.listserv.edtech
  385.         EDTECH Moderator        21765EDT%MSU@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
  386. bit.listserv.gaynet
  387.         Bill Cattey             gaynet-request@athena.mit.edu
  388. bit.listserv.hellas
  389.         Spyros D. A. Antoniou   sda106@psuvm.psu.edu
  390. bit.listserv.l-hcap
  391.         Bill McGarry            wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
  392. bit.listserv.libres
  393.         Diane Kovacs            DKOVACS@KentVM.Kent.edu
  394. bit.listserv.new-list
  395.         Marty Hoag              INFO@VM1.NoDak.EDU
  396. bit.listserv.pacs-l
  397.         Charles Bailey          LIBPACS%UHUPVM1@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
  398. bit.listserv.valert-l
  399.         Kenneth R. van Wyk      krvw@cert.org
  400. biz.sco.binaries
  401.     Stuart Lynne        sl@wimsey.bc.ca
  402. biz.sco.sources
  403.     Micheal P. Deignan    kd1hz@anomaly.sbs.risc.net
  404. gnu.*
  405.     Leonard H. Tower Jr.    info-gnu-request@prep.ai.mit.edu
  406. ieee.tcos
  407.     Darrell Long        tcos-request@cse.ucsc.edu
  408. resif.oracle
  409.         Christophe Wolfhugel    oracle@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
  410. vmsnet.announce
  411.     Terry Poot        tp@mccall.com
  412. vmsnet.announce.newusers
  413.     Terry Poot        tp@mccall.com
  414. vmsnet.sources
  415.     Mark Berryman        vmsnet-sources-request@mvb.saic.com
  417. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. Group                Submissions
  419. :-----------------------------------------------------------------
  420. comp.ai.nlang-know-rep        nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
  421. comp.ai.vision            vision-list@ads.com
  422. comp.archives            comp-archives@msen.com
  423. comp.binaries.acorn        cba@acorn.co.nz
  424. comp.binaries.amiga        amiga@uunet.uu.net
  425. comp.binaries.atari.st        atari-binaries@hyperion.com
  426. comp.binaries.ibm.pc        cbip@cs.ulowell.edu
  427. comp.binaries.mac        macintosh%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
  428. comp.binaries.os2        os2bin@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
  429. comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes    ucb-fixes@okeeffe.berkeley.edu
  430. comp.compilers            compilers@iecc.cambridge.ma.us
  431. comp.dcom.telecom        telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
  432. comp.doc            comp-doc@ucsd.edu
  433. comp.doc.techreports        compdoc-techreports@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
  434. comp.graphics.research        graphics@scri1.scri.fsu.edu
  435. comp.internet.library        library@axon.cwru.edu
  436. comp.lang.sigplan        sigplan@bellcore.com
  437. comp.laser-printers        laser-lovers@brillig.umd.edu
  438. comp.mail.maps            uucpmap@rutgers.edu
  439. comp.newprod            newprod@chg.mcd.mot.com
  440. comp.org.eff.news        effnews@eff.org
  441. comp.org.fidonet        pozar@hop.toad.com
  442. comp.os.ms-windows.announce    infidel+win-announce@pitt.edu
  443. comp.os.research        osr@ftp.cse.ucsc.edu
  444. comp.parallel            hypercube@hubcap.clemson.edu
  445. comp.patents            patents@cs.su.oz.au
  446. comp.protocols.kermit        info-kermit@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
  447. comp.research.japan        japan@cs.arizona.edu
  448. comp.risks            risks@csl.sri.com
  449. comp.simulation            simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu
  450. comp.society            socicom@auvm.american.edu
  451. comp.society.cu-digest        tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu
  452. comp.society.folklore        folklore@snark.thyrsus.com
  453. comp.society.privacy        comp-privacy@pica.army.mil
  454. comp.sources.3b1        comp-sources-3b1@galaxia.network23.com
  455. comp.sources.acorn        cba@acorn.co.nz
  456. comp.sources.amiga        amiga@uunet.uu.net
  457. comp.sources.apple2        jac@paul.rutgers.edu
  458. comp.sources.atari.st        atari-sources@hyperion.com
  459. comp.sources.games        games@saab.cna.tek.com
  460. comp.sources.hp48        hp48@seq.uncwil.edu
  461. comp.sources.mac        macintosh%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net
  462. comp.sources.misc        sources-misc@uunet.uu.net
  463. comp.sources.reviewed        csr@calvin.dgbt.doc.ca
  464. comp.sources.sun        sun-sources@topaz.rutgers.edu
  465. comp.sources.unix        unix-sources-moderator@pa.dec.com
  466. comp.sources.x            x-sources@msi.com
  467. comp.std.announce        klensin@infoods.mit.edu
  468. comp.std.mumps            std-mumps@pfcs.com
  469. comp.std.unix            std-unix@uunet.uu.net
  470. comp.sys.acorn.announce        announce@acorn.co.uk
  471. comp.sys.amiga.announce        announce@cs.ucdavis.edu
  472. comp.sys.amiga.reviews        amiga-reviews-submissions@math.uh.edu
  473. comp.sys.concurrent        concurrent@bdcsys.suvl.ca.us
  474. comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest        info-ibmpc@simtel20.army.mil
  475. comp.sys.m68k.pc        info-68k@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
  476. comp.sys.mac.announce        csma@rascal.ics.utexas.edu
  477. comp.sys.mac.digest        info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
  478. comp.sys.next.announce        csn-announce@liveware.com
  479. comp.sys.sun.announce        sun-announce@sunworld.com
  480. comp.theory.info-retrieval    ir-l%uccvma.bitnet@berkeley.edu
  481. comp.virus            krvw@cert.org
  482. comp.windows.x.announce        xannounce@expo.lcs.mit.edu
  483. misc.activism.progressive    map@pencil.cs.missouri.edu
  484. misc.handicap            handicap@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
  485. misc.news.southasia        surekha@nyx.cs.du.edu
  486. news.admin.technical        natech@zorch.sf-bay.org
  487. news.announce.conferences    nac@tekbspa.tss.com
  488. news.announce.important        announce@stargate.com
  489. news.announce.newgroups        announce-newgroups@uunet.uu.net
  490. news.announce.newusers        spaf@cs.purdue.edu
  491. news.answers            news-answers@mit.edu
  492. news.lists            news-lists-request@cs.purdue.edu
  493. news.lists.ps-maps        reid@decwrl.dec.com
  494. rec.arts.cinema            cinema@zerkalo.harvard.edu
  495. rec.arts.comics.info        info_comic@dartmouth.edu
  496. rec.arts.erotica        erotica@telly.on.ca
  497. rec.arts.movies.reviews        movies@mtgzy.att.com
  498. rec.arts.sf.announce        sf-announce@zorch.sf-bay.org
  499. rec.arts.sf.reviews        sf-reviews@presto.ig.com
  500. rec.arts.startrek.info        trek-info@dweeb.fx.com
  501. rec.audio.high-end        info-high-audio@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
  502. rec.aviation.announce        aviation-announce@peck.com
  503. rec.aviation.answers        aviation-answers@peck.com
  504. rec.aviation.stories        aviation-stories@peck.com
  505. rec.food.recipes        recipes@mthvax.cs.miami.edu
  506. rec.games.cyber            cyberrpg@veritas.com
  507. rec.games.frp.announce        rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
  508. rec.games.frp.archives        frp-archives@rpi.edu
  509. rec.games.mud.announce        rgm-announce@glia.biostr.washington.edu
  510. rec.guns            magnum@flubber.cs.umd.edu
  511. rec.humor.funny            funny@clarinet.com
  512. rec.humor.oracle        oracle-mod@cs.indiana.edu
  513. rec.hunting            hunting@osnome.che.wisc.edu
  514. rec.mag.fsfnet            white@duvm.bitnet
  515. rec.music.gaffa            love-hounds@uunet.uu.net
  516. rec.music.info            rec-music-info@ph.tn.tudelft.nl
  517. rec.music.reviews        music_reviews@sco.com
  518. rec.radio.broadcasting        rrb@airwaves.chi.il.us
  519. rec.sport.cricket.scores    cricket@power.eee.ndsu.nodak.edu
  520. sci.astro.hubble        sah@wfpc3.la.asu.edu
  521. sci.math.research        sci-math-research@uiuc.edu
  522. sci.med.aids            aids@cs.ucla.edu
  523. sci.military            military@att.att.com
  524. sci.nanotech            nanotech@aramis.rutgers.edu
  525. sci.psychology.digest        psyc@phoenix.princeton.edu
  526. sci.space.news            sci-space-news@news.arc.nasa.gov
  527. sci.virtual-worlds        virtual-worlds@milton.u.washington.edu
  528. soc.feminism            feminism@ncar.ucar.edu
  529. soc.politics            poli-sci@rutgers.edu
  530. soc.politics.arms-d        arms-d@xx.lcs.mit.edu
  531. soc.religion.bahai        srb@oneworld.wa.com
  532. soc.religion.christian        christian@aramis.rutgers.edu
  533. soc.religion.eastern        sre@cse.ogi.edu
  534. soc.religion.islam        religion-islam@ncar.ucar.edu
  535. alt.atheism.moderated        atheism@mantis.co.uk
  536. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d    artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  537. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized    artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  538. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics    artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  539. alt.comp.acad-freedom.news    caf-news@eff.org
  540. alt.dev.null            /dev/null
  541. alt.gourmand            recipes@decwrl.dec.com
  542. alt.hackers            /dev/null
  543. alt.hindu            editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
  544. alt.hotrod            hotrod@dixie.com
  545. alt.materials.simulation    alt-materials-simulation@engin.umich.edu
  546. alt.politics.democrats        news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  547. alt.politics.democrats.clinton    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  548. alt.politics.democrats.governors    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  549. alt.politics.democrats.house    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  550. alt.politics.democrats.senate    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  551. alt.security.index        kyle@uunet.uu.net
  552. alt.society.ati            gzero@tronsbox.xei.com
  553. alt.sources.index        kyle@uunet.uu.net
  554. austin.eff            eff-austin-moderator@tic.com
  555. ba.announce            ba-announce@zorch.sf-bay.org
  556. bionet.announce            biosci-announce-moderator@genbank.bio.net
  557. bionet.biology.computational    comp-bio-moderator@genbank.bio.net
  558. bionet.molbio.ddbj.updates    ddbj-updates@genbank.bio.net
  559. bionet.molbio.embldatabank.updates    embl-updates@genbank.bio.net
  560. bionet.molbio.genbank.updates    lear@genbank.bio.net
  561. bionet.software.sources        software-sources@genbank.bio.net
  562. bit.listserv.big-lan        big-req@suvm.acs.syr.edu
  563. bit.listserv.edtech        21765EDT%MSU@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
  564. bit.listserv.gaynet        gaynet@athena.mit.edu
  565. bit.listserv.hellas        sda106@psuvm.psu.edu
  566. bit.listserv.l-hcap        wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com
  567. bit.listserv.libres        librk329@KentVMS.Kent.edu
  568. bit.listserv.new-list        NU021172@VM1.NoDak.EDU
  569. bit.listserv.pacs-l        LIBPACS%UHUPVM1@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
  570. bit.listserv.valert-l        krvw@cert.org
  571. biz.dec.decnews            decnews@mr4dec.enet.dec.com
  572. biz.sco.announce        scoannmod@xenitec.on.ca
  573. biz.sco.binaries        sl@wimsey.bc.ca
  574. biz.sco.sources            kd1hz@anomaly.sbs.risc.net
  575. biz.zeos.announce        kgermann@zeos.com
  576. can.canet.d            canet-d@canet.ca
  577. can.uucp.maps            pathadmin@cs.toronto.edu
  578. comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway    ifip-gtwy-usenet@ics.uci.edu
  579. comp.security.announce        cert@cert.org
  580. ddn.mgt-bulletin        nic@nic.ddn.mil
  581. ddn.newsletter            nic@nic.ddn.mil
  582. de.admin.lists            de-admin-lists@hactar.hanse.de
  583. de.admin.submaps        maps@flatlin.ka.sub.org
  584. de.comp.sources.amiga        agnus@amylnd.stgt.sub.org
  585. de.comp.sources.misc        sources@watzman.quest.sub.org
  586. de.comp.sources.os9        fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org
  587. de.comp.sources.st        sources-st@watzman.quest.sub.org
  588. de.comp.sources.unix        de-comp-sources-unix@germany.sun.com
  589. de.mag.chalisti            ccc@sol.ccc.de
  590. de.newusers            newusers@jattmp.nbg.sub.org
  591. de.org.dfn            org-dfn@dfn.de
  592. de.org.eunet            news@germany.eu.net
  593. de.org.sub            vorstand@smurf.sub.org
  594. de.sci.ki            hein@damon.irf.uni-dortmund.de
  595. de.sci.ki.mod.ki        hein@damon.irf.uni-dortmund.de
  596. fj.announce            fj-announce@junet.ad.jp
  597. fj.binaries            fj-binaries@junet.ad.jp
  598. fj.binaries.x68000        fj-binaries-x68000@junet.ad.jp
  599. fj.guide.admin            fj-guide-admin@junet.ad.jp
  600. fj.guide.general        fj-guide-general@junet.ad.jp
  601. fj.guide.newusers        fj-guide-newusers@junet.ad.jp
  602. fj.map                fj-map@junet.ad.jp
  603. gnu.announce            info-gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
  604. gnu.bash.bug            bug-bash@prep.ai.mit.edu
  605. gnu.emacs.announce        info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
  606. gnu.emacs.bug            bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
  607. gnu.g++.announce        info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
  608. gnu.g++.bug            bug-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
  609. gnu.g++.lib.bug            bug-lib-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
  610. gnu.gcc.announce        info-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu
  611. gnu.gcc.bug            bug-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu
  612. gnu.gdb.bug            bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
  613. gnu.ghostscript.bug        bug-ghostscript@prep.ai.mit.edu
  614. gnu.groff.bug            bug-groff@prep.ai.mit.edu
  615. gnu.smalltalk.bug        bug-gnu-smalltalk@prep.ai.mit.edu
  616. gnu.utils.bug            bug-gnu-utils@prep.ai.mit.edu
  617. houston.weather            weather-monitor@tmc.edu
  618. ieee.tcos            tcos@cse.ucsc.edu
  619. info.academic.freedom        caf-talk@eff.org
  620. info.admin            usenet@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
  621. info.bind            bind@arpa.berkeley.edu
  622. info.brl.cad            cad@brl.mil
  623. info.bytecounters        bytecounters@venera.isi.edu
  624. info.cmu.tek.tcp        cmu-tek-tcp@cs.cmu.edu
  625. info.convex            info-convex@pemrac.space.swri.edu
  626. info.firearms            firearms@cs.cmu.edu
  627. info.firearms.politics        firearms-politics@cs.cmu.edu
  628. info.gated            gated-people@devvax.tn.cornell.edu
  629. info.ietf            ietf@venera.isi.edu
  630. info.ietf.hosts            ietf-hosts@nnsc.nsf.net
  631. info.ietf.isoc            isoc-interest@relay.sgi.com
  632. info.ietf.njm            njm@merit.edu
  633. info.ietf.smtp            ietf-smtp@dimacs.rutgers.edu
  634. info.isode            isode@nic.ddn.mil
  635. info.jethro.tull        jtull@remus.rutgers.edu
  636. info.labmgr            labmgr@ukcc.uky.edu
  637. info.mach            info-mach@cs.cmu.edu
  638. info.mh.workers            mh-workers@ics.uci.edu
  639. info.nets            info-nets@think.com
  640. info.nsf.grants            grants@note.nsf.gov
  641. info.nsfnet.cert        nsfnet-cert@merit.edu
  642. info.nysersnmp            nysersnmp@nisc.nyser.net
  643. info.osf            roma@uiuc.edu
  644. info.pem.dev            pem-dev@tis.com
  645. info.ph                info-ph@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
  646. info.rfc            rfc-request@nic.ddn.mil
  647. info.snmp            snmp@nisc.nyser.net
  648. info.sun.managers        sun-managers@rice.edu
  649. info.sun.nets            sun-nets@umiacs.umd.edu
  650. info.theorynt            theorynt@vm1.nodak.edu
  651. info.unix.sw            unix-sw-request@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
  652. maus.gatebau            jc@hb.maus.de
  653. mi.map                uucpmap@rel.mi.org
  654. opinions.supreme-court        opinions@uunet.uu.net
  655. relcom.infomarket.quote        relcom-infomarket-quote@news.ussr.eu.net
  656. relcom.infomarket.talk        relcom-infomarket-talk@news.ussr.eu.net
  657. relcom.jusinf            relcom-jusinf@news.ussr.eu.net
  658. relcom.postmasters        relcom-postmasters@news.ussr.eu.net
  659. relcom.renews            relcom-renews@news.ussr.eu.net
  660. resif.oracle            oracle@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
  661. sfnet.atk.flpf.tiedotukset    flpf@nic.funet.fi
  662. sfnet.csc.tiedotukset        netmgr@csc.fi
  663. sfnet.funet.tiedotukset        toimitus@funet.fi
  664. sfnet.fuug.tiedotukset        sfnet-fuug-tiedotukset@fuug.fi
  665. sfnet.harrastus.astronomia    pvtmakela@cc.helsinki.fi
  666. sfnet.harrastus.mensa        jau@cs.tut.fi
  667. sfnet.lists.sunflash        flash@sunvice.East.Sun.COM
  668. sfnet.opiskelu.ymp.kurssit    hoffren@cc.Helsinki.FI
  669. sfnet.tiede.tilastotiede.jatkokoulutus    til_tied@cc.helsinki.fi
  670. sura.announce            sura-announce@darwin.sura.net
  671. sura.noc.status            sura-noc-status@darwin.sura.net
  672. sura.security            sura-security@darwin.sura.net
  673. tamu.religion.christian        shetler@eemips.tamu.edu
  674. tx-thenet-managers        themgr-moderator@nic.the.net
  675. tx.maps                texas-uucpmaps@tmc.edu
  676. uiuc.org.men            uiuc-men-ml@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
  677. uunet.alternet            asp@uunet.uu.net,postman@uunet.uu.net
  678. uunet.announce            postman@uunet.uu.net
  679. uunet.products            postman@uunet.uu.net
  680. uunet.status            postman@uunet.uu.net
  681. uunet.tech            postman@uunet.uu.net
  682. vmsnet.announce            vmsnet-announce@mccall.com
  683. vmsnet.announce.newusers    vmsnet-announce-newusers@mccall.com
  684. vmsnet.sources            vmsnet-sources@mvb.saic.com
  685. -- 
  686. Gene Spafford
  687. Software Engineering Research Center & Dept. of Computer Sciences
  688. Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
  689. Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu    phone:  (317) 494-7825